Results for 'Kai Syng Tan'

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  1. Quote- and Citation Fraud at the UiO, Chapter 2; with 'The learning of value' and the connection to mob-bullying in our schools (by Dr. Kai Sørfjord) 2016.Kai Soerfjord - unknown
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  2. The Kant-Piaget-connection nobody wants to talk about, by Dr. Kai Soerfjord (re-edited Sep.2016).Kai Soerfjord - manuscript
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  3. (1 other version)Margin Note on logic, by Dr. Kai Soerfjord.Kai Soerfjord - manuscript
    - uneducated in the field authors who defend a consensus they are being TOLD when they enter offices of Ed-Sci, teaching and writing works on learning-theory - but never checked the facts, PART I and PART II.
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  4. SITAT- og KILDEFORFALSKNING ved UiO, Kap. 1 (av Dr. Kai Sørfjord) 23.Oct.2015, re-edited 30.Jan.2017.Kai Soerfjord - manuscript
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  5. How Might a Stoic Eat in Accordance with Nature and “Environmental Facts”?Kai Whiting, William O. Stephens, Edward Simpson & Leonidas Konstantakos - 2020 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 33 (3):369-389.
    This paper explores how to deliberate about food choices from a Stoic perspective informed by the value of environmental sustainability. This perspective is reconstructed from both ancient and contemporary sources of Stoic philosophy. An account of what the Stoic goal of “living in agreement with Nature” would amount to in dietary practice is presented. Given ecological facts about food production, an argument is made that Stoic virtue made manifest as wisdom, justice, courage, and temperance compel Stoic practitioners to select locally (...)
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  6. A Defense of Luck Egalitarianism.Kok-Chor Tan - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy 105 (11):665-690.
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  7. Kantian Ethics and Global Justice.Kok-Chor Tan - 1997 - Social Theory and Practice 23 (1):53-73.
    Kant divides moral duties into duties of virtue and duties of justice. Duties of virtue are imperfect duties, the fulfillment of which is left to agent discretion and so cannot be externally demanded of one. Duties of justice, while perfect, seem to be restricted to negative duties (of nondeception and noncoercion). It may seem then that Kant's moral philosophy cannot meet the demands of global justice. I argue, however, that Kantian justice when applied to the social and historical realities of (...)
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  8. Probabilistic arguments for multiple universes.Kai Draper, Paul Draper & Joel Pust - 2007 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 88 (3):288–307.
    In this paper, we discuss three probabilistic arguments for the existence of multiple universes. First, we provide an analysis of total evidence and use that analysis to defend Roger White's "this universe" objection to a standard fine-tuning argument for multiple universes. Second, we explain why Rodney Holder's recent cosmological argument for multiple universes is unconvincing. Third, we develop a "Cartesian argument" for multiple universes. While this argument is not open to the objections previously noted, we show that, given certain highly (...)
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  9. Joseph Weiss, "The Dialectics of Music: Adorno, Benjamin, and Deleuze.".Kai Yin Lo - 2022 - Philosophy in Review 42 (3):31-33.
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  10. Small Impacts and Imperceptible Effects: Causing Harm with Others.Kai Spiekermann - 2014 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 38 (1):75-90.
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  11. Colonialism, Reparations and Global Justice.Kok-Chor Tan - 2007 - In Jon Miller & Rahul Kumar (eds.), Reparations: interdisciplinary inquiries. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 280--306.
    This chapter examines two basic philosophical challenges for the idea of reparations for past injustices (using colonialism as the focal point). The first challenge is that requiring people today to make reparations for an injustice they themselves did not commit is unfair. The second is that if reparative claims are invoked because of lingering injustices, then recalling the past is in fact normatively redundant if lingering present injustices can be handled by forward-looking principles. In response to the first challenge, I (...)
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  12. The Duty to Protect.Kok-Chor Tan - 2005 - In Terry Nardin & Melissa S. Williams (eds.), Humanitarian Intervention: Nomos Xlvii. New York University Press.
    Debates on humanitarian intervention have focused on the permissibility question. In this paper, I ask whether intervention can be a moral duty, and if it is a moral duty, how this duty is to be distributed and assigned. With respect to the first question, I contemplate whether an intervention that has met the "permissibility" condition is also for this reason necessary and obligatory. If so, the gap between permission and obligation closes in the case of humanitarian intervention. On the second (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Subatomic Inferences: An Inferentialist Semantics for Atomics, Predicates, and Names.Kai Tanter - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-28.
    Inferentialism is a theory in the philosophy of language which claims that the meanings of expressions are constituted by inferential roles or relations. Instead of a traditional model-theoretic semantics, it naturally lends itself to a proof-theoretic semantics, where meaning is understood in terms of inference rules with a proof system. Most work in proof-theoretic semantics has focused on logical constants, with comparatively little work on the semantics of non-logical vocabulary. Drawing on Robert Brandom’s notion of material inference and Greg Restall’s (...)
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  14. Two epistemological challenges regarding hypothetical modeling.Peter Tan - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6).
    Sometimes, scientific models are either intended to or plausibly interpreted as representing nonactual but possible targets. Call this “hypothetical modeling”. This paper raises two epistemological challenges concerning hypothetical modeling. To begin with, I observe that given common philosophical assumptions about the scope of objective possibility, hypothetical models are fallible with respect to what is objectively possible. There is thus a need to distinguish between accurate and inaccurate hypothetical modeling. The first epistemological challenge is that no account of the epistemology of (...)
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  15. The Contours of Toleration: A Relational Account.Kok-Chor Tan - 2018 - In Manuel Knoll, Stephen Snyder & Nurdane Şimşek (eds.), New Perspectives on Distributive Justice: Deep Disagreements, Pluralism, and the Problem of Consensus. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 385-402.
    I outline what I call a relational account of toleration. This relational account helps explain the apparent paradox of toleration in that it involves two competing moral stances, of acceptance and disapproval, towards the tolerated. It also helps clarify the way toleration is a normative ideal, and not a position one is forced into out of the practical need to accommodate or accept. Specifically, toleration is recommended out of respect for that which the tolerant agent also disapproves of. This combination (...)
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  16. Were Neanderthals Rational? A Stoic Approach.Kai Whiting, Leonidas Konstantakos, Gregory Sadler & Christopher Gill - 2018 - Humanities 7 (39).
    This paper adopts the philosophical approach of Stoicism as the basis for re-examining the cognitive and ethical relationship between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals. Stoicism sets out a clear criterion for the special moral status of human beings, namely rationality. We explore to what extent Neanderthals were sufficiently rational to be considered “human”. Recent findings in the fields of palaeoanthropology and palaeogenetics show that Neanderthals possessed high-level cognitive abilities and produced viable offspring with anatomically modern humans. Our discussion offers insights for (...)
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  17. Luck, Institutions, and Global Distributive Justice.Kok-Chor Tan - 2011 - European Journal of Political Theory 10 (3):394-421.
    Luck egalitarianism provides one powerful way of defending global egalitarianism. The basic luck egalitarian idea that persons ought not to be disadvantaged compared to others on account of his or her bad luck seems to extend naturally to the global arena, where random factors such as persons’ place of birth and the natural distribution of the world’s resources do affect differentially their life chances. Yet luck egalitarianism as an ideal, as well as its global application, has come under severe criticisms (...)
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  18. Inconsistent idealizations and inferentialism about scientific representation.Peter Tan - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 89 (C):11-18.
    Inferentialists about scientific representation hold that an apparatus’s representing a target system consists in the apparatus allowing “surrogative inferences” about the target. I argue that a serious problem for inferentialism arises from the fact that many scientific theories and models contain internal inconsistencies. Inferentialism, left unamended, implies that inconsistent scientific models have unlimited representational power, since an inconsistency permits any conclusion to be inferred. I consider a number of ways that inferentialists can respond to this challenge before suggesting my own (...)
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    Beyin Çalışmalarına Göre Sezgi ve Dini Tecrübe.Aysel Tan - 2022 - Elazığ: Firat University.
    İnsanın dış dünyadan bilgiyi elde etme şekli tarih boyunca tüm çağlarda ve toplumlarda insanların üzerinde düşündükleri bir olgu olmuştur. Düşünürler bunun için çeşitli iddialar ileri sürmüşlerdir. Bu iddialardan biri, bilginin kaynağının kalp olduğudur. Kalp ise duygu kavramıyla ilişkilendirilmiş ve bilginin kaynağı bu şekilde duygu temelli açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Duygu ise ‘sezgisel bir yetenek’ olarak tanımlanmış ve duygunun sezgiyle ilişkisine vurgu yapılmıştır. Antik Yunan’da Homeros ve Sokrat öncesi düşünürler ve Aristoteles düşünmenin ve bilincin merkezi olarak kalbi kabul etmiştir. Eski Mısır medeniyetinde de (...)
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  20. Imperative Bilateralism.Kai Tanter - 2021 - In Martin Blicha & Igor Sedlár (eds.), The Logica Yearbook 2020. College Publications. pp. 237-252.
    This paper provides a proof-theoretic account of imperative logical consequence by generalising Greg Restall’s multiple conclusion bilateralism for declarative logic. According to imperative bilateralism, a sequent Γ ⊢ Δ is valid iff jointly commanding all the imperatives Φ ∈ Γ and prohibiting all the imperatives Ψ ∈ Δ clashes. This account has three main virtues: (1) it provides a proof-theoretic account of imperatives; (2) it does not rely on the controversial notion of imperative inference; and (3) it is neutral regarding (...)
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  21. The ethical debate about the gig economy: a review and critical analysis.Zhi Ming Tan, Nikita Aggarwal, Josh Cowls, Jessica Morley, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - 2021 - Technology in Society 65 (2):101954.
    The gig economy is a phenomenon that is rapidly expanding, redefining the nature of work and contributing to a significant change in how contemporary economies are organised. Its expansion is not unproblematic. This article provides a clear and systematic analysis of the main ethical challenges caused by the gig economy. Following a brief overview of the gig economy, its scope and scale, we map the key ethical problems that it gives rise to, as they are discussed in the relevant literature. (...)
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  22. Didactic-reflexive Form Errors, full initial MANUSCRIPT, May 2017.Kai Soerfjord - manuscript
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  23. (1 other version)Critical Notice: John Rawls, The Law of Peoples.Kok-Chor Tan - 2001 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):113-132.
    This review essay on John Rawls’s The Law of Peoples focuses on two of its more contentious claims. The first is that international economic justice is secured by a principle of assistance and that a principle of distributive justice will in fact have “unacceptable” results. The other is that certain non-liberal societies, or peoples, fall within the limits of international toleration. The essay evaluates and critiques these claims from a liberal cosmopolitan perspective.
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  24. The Special Exclusion Services Unit - Administrational Doubles and their unlawful pseudo-function in higher education; the Univ. of Oslo case and the Univ. of Agder case (2016, re-edited May 2017).Kai Soerfjord - manuscript
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  25. Scared Stiff - church-authored pedagogic faith; associated abuses, a Documentary, PART TWO (2016, re-edited May 2017) AFRAID TO TALK.Kai Soerfjord - manuscript
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  26. Dr.Polit.s pretending to be Dr.Ped - in a structurally corrupted Norwegian Ed-Sci (2016).Kai Soerfjord - manuscript
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    Stoa Okulu'nda Felsefe ve Ahlâk.Aysel Tan - 2002 - Dissertation, Ankara University
    Ahlak ve ahlaki değerler insanın varoluşuyla başlayan bir olgudur. Ahlak, insanın yaşamını devam ettirmesi için gereklidir. Ahlâki değerlerden uzak bir ferd düşünülemeyeceği gibi, milletler ve toplumlar da düşünülemez. Ahlâkî değerler insanları ister istemez kuşatır ve yaşamın idamesini sağlar. İnsan varlığının yaşam koşullarını bu denli etkileyen bir olguyu tez konusu seçmemdeki amacı, özelde Stoa Ahlakı’nı, genelde ise ahlak felsefesini araştırmak ve ahlak olgusunu anlaşılmasına katkıda bulunmaktır. Stoa Okulu milattan önce üç yüzlü yıllarda Kıbrıslı Zenon’un (335-264) öncülüğünden kurulmuştur. Kıbrıslı Zenon insan için (...)
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  28. Team-work Pathology of a structurally corrupt Norwegian ed-sci; the mob operator ("mobber") - administrator alliance (edited JUNE 2017).Kai Soerfjord - manuscript
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  29. Methodological Individualism and Holism in Political Science: A Reconciliation.Christian List & Kai Spiekermann - 2013 - American Political Science Review 107 (4):629-643.
    Political science is divided between methodological individualists, who seek to explain political phenomena by reference to individuals and their interactions, and holists (or nonreductionists), who consider some higher-level social entities or properties such as states, institutions, or cultures ontologically or causally significant. We propose a reconciliation between these two perspectives, building on related work in philosophy. After laying out a taxonomy of different variants of each view, we observe that (i) although political phenomena result from underlying individual attitudes and behavior, (...)
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  30. Seeking Campus-universal didactic dominance, and getting it, through various means other than scientific (2016).Kai Soerfjord - manuscript
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  31. The Boundary of Justice and The Justice of Boundaries.Kok-Chor Tan - 2006 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 29 (2):319-344.
    Two classes of arguments are often deployed by the anti-global egalitarians against attempts to universalize the demands of distributive equality. One are arguments attempting to show that global egalitarians have misconstrued the reasons for why equality matters domestically, and hence have wrongly extended these reasons to the global arena. These arguments hold that the boundary of distributive justice is effectively coextensive with the boundaries of state. The other are arguments that attempt to show that membership in political societies generates special (...)
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  32. Trespassers and Existential Import.Kai-Yee Wong & Chi-Ho Hung - 2019 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):57-62.
    It is a received view of the post-Fregean predicate logic that a universal statement has no existential import and thus does not entail its particular (existential) counterpart. This paper takes issue with the view by discussing the trespasser case, which has widely been employed for supporting the view. The trespasser case in fact involves a shift of context. Properly understood, the case provides no support for the received view but rather suggests that we rethink the ‘quantity view’ of the existential (...)
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  33. Bir Bilgi Kaynağı Olarak Duygu-Akıl İlişkisi (EMOTION-MIND RELATIONSHIP AS A SOURCE OF INFORMATION).Aysel Tan - 2021 - Atlas 6 (1):21-45.
    The issue of emotion is discussed in three stages in this article. Thus, emotion is built on a realistic and explanatory basis. In the first stage, the relationship between the physiological structure of the human brain and emotion is emphasized. The connection between the lower/primitive brain (the region/emotion center where emotions arise) and the upper/developed brain (mind-logic center, prefrontal lobe) is mentioned. Secondly, the emotional and mental development of human according to Jean Piaget's Mental Development Theory is explained. In the (...)
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  34. Dinî Tecrübe Delilinde Sezginin Yeri ve Önemi.Aysel Tan - 2019 - Malatya, Türkiye: İspec.
    Dinî tecrübe Friedrich Schleiermacher (ö.1768) ile önem kazanan ve William James’in (ö.1842) eserleriyle din felsefesinde teistik delillerin içine dahil olan bir delildir. Dini tecrübelerin birçok şekilde meydana geldiği iddia edilmektedir. Bunlardan biri de sezgidir. Bu bildirinin amacı sezgisel bilginin Tanrı’nın varlığına delil olup olmadığını ortaya koymaktır. Sezgisel yetenek, insanın fiziksel gelişimine (yani beyin) paralel olarak gelişen bir yetidir ve zihnin gelişmesiyle birlikte kapasitesi artmaktadır. Önce çocukta duygusal bir sezgi hakim iken (4-7 yaş), daha sonra çocuğun somut işlemlere geçmesiyle sezgisel yetenek (...)
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  35. Scared Stiff - church-authored pedagogic faith; associated abuses, a Documentary, PART ONE (2016 re-edited May 2017) Institutionalized SYSTEMIC VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND LAW.Kai Soerfjord - manuscript
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  36. Scared Stiff - church-authored pedagogic faith; associated abuses, a Documentary, PART THREE (2016, re-edited May 2017) Female SHOUTER MOB-OPERATOR.Kai Soerfjord - manuscript
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  37. Scared Stiff - a Documentary; a record from within an unlawfully abusive Norwegian teacher-education (re-edited 15.May 2017), Parts 1, 2 and 3 - large PDF file.Kai Soerfjord - manuscript
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  38. Fake specialists running 'cognitive science' in Norwegian Ed-Sci (Jan. 2017) “Ed-Sci-Professor” job-title equipped with NO ACADEMIC degree in Ed-Sci.Kai Soerfjord - manuscript
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  39. Abortion in/as a Consumer Structure.Matthew Tan - 2014 - Solidarity: The Journal for Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics 4 (1):Article 7.
    This article argues that the contemporary acceptability of abortion is not solely due to the Liberal imperative to exercise individual choice. Rather, abortion's acceptability needs to be explained with reference to the techniques of consumer culture. This article will begin by explaining how practices in general predispose one to gravitate towards one form of practices rather than another. It will then look at how consumer practices generate a biopolitics of economic efficiency and corporeal commodification which culminates in a politics of (...)
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  40. Prof. Dr.Uner Tan - 2015 - WebmedCentral 6 (11):1-14.
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  41. Scared Stiff - church-authored pedagogic faith; associated abuses, a Documentary, PART THREE (2016, re-edited May 2017) SHOUTER MOB-OPERATOR, TAUGHT MOBBING IN ED-SCI.Kai Soerfjord - manuscript
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  42. The incredible Scandinavian 'REPAIR BY TRANSLATION' of Vygotsky and Kant (2016, re-edited May 2017).Kai Soerfjord - manuscript
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  43. Ja, Der Da hat es gesagt. Uber den dekonstruktiven Umgang mit Texten.Kai-uwe Bux & Hajo Greif - 2002 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 50 (1):17-37.
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  44. Quote- and Citation fraud at the University of Oslo (UiO), Chapter 2.Kai Soerfjord - manuscript
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  45. International Toleration: Rawlsian versus Cosmopolitan.Kok-Chor Tan - 2005 - Leiden Journal of International Law 18 (4):685-710.
    How should liberal societies respond to nonliberal ones? In this paper I examine John Rawls’s conception of international toleration against what is sometimes called a cosmopolitan one. Rawls holds that a just international order should recognize certain nonliberal societies, to which he refers as decent peoples, as equal members in good standing in a just society of peoples. It would be a violation of liberalism’s own principle of toleration to deny the international legitimacy of decent peoples who, among other things, (...)
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  46. Gazâlî’nin Ahlâk Anlayışı.Aysel Tan - 2021 - Ankara, Türkiye: Osmangazi Üniversitesi.
    Moral Understanding of Al-Ghazali In order to evaluate the moral understanding of Ghazali correctly, we should pay attention to how he handles the basic concepts and how he views the life of the hereafter. Ghazali sees moral descriptions such as good, bad and absurd as “knowledge pre-existing in the mind” and believes that it is inherent to do good and avoid evil. Reason naturally encourages people to avoid harm. Reason has the universal knowledge of good and evil. The concepts of (...)
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  47. Mehmet Akif'in Dini Tecrübe Anlayışı.Aysel Tan - 2021 - Ankara, Türkiye: Kütahya Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Enstitüsü.
    Mehmet Akif criticized the way Muslim societies understand religion in his poems and articles. He constantly criticized Muslims' inertia, understanding of trust, false beliefs and imitation. The ideas of Cemaleddin Afganî and his student Muhammed Abduh, Said Halim Pasha on Islamism, and Fahrettin Razi, who struggled for Muslims to gain their independence, set an example for Mehmet Akif in this sense. He believed in the idea of 'Islamic unity' and saw it as a prescription for salvation. It is important how (...)
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  48. Enforcing Cosmopolitan Justice: the problem of intervention.Kok-Chor Tan - 2010 - In Roland Pierik & Wouter Werner (eds.), Cosmopolitanism in Context: Perspectives from International Law and Political Theory. Cambridge University Press.
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  49. Dindarlığı Besleyen Klasik Bir Kaynak: Gazali'nin Bidayetü'l Hidaye Kitabı.Aysel Tan - 2020 - Diyarbakır, Türkiye: Ispec.
    Ghazali’s The Beginning of Guidance (Bidayetü'l Hidaye) is a book that represents the beginning for people's salvation. According to Ghazali, in order for the human to be guided, he must first follow the orders of this book and then read the book The Revival of Religious Sciences, which he says contains useful science. According to him, the book of Beginning of Guidance can offer the key to salvation. In this book he made major changes in the understanding of worship of (...)
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  50. Discovering Reality by Studying the System of Freedom and Proving Its Equivalence with the Universe.Kai Jiang - 2015 - Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 11 (5):3297-3309.
    The author has established a mathematical theory about the system of freedom in which components of freedom are ruled by the largest freedom principle, explaining how one invariant reality can be equated with the dynamical universe. Freedom as a whole is the reality, and components of freedom show variable phenomena and become a dynamic system. In freedom, component equality leads to sequence equality; therefore, various sequences coexist in the system. Because there are incompatible sequences for any sequence, the interior of (...)
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